- Where can I download DTMs?
- Can you recommend some good QGIS plugins?
- Useful software for the course
- Useful Python libraries for the course
Where can I download DTMs?
- This list is a good start
- and that one is also pretty good
- Copernicus DEM: global 90m and 30m, and 10m for EU area
- SRTM datasets are super cumbersome to download, better to use that very handy site
- AHN3 datasets are freely available on PDOK
Can you recommend some good QGIS plugins?
- If you work with raster files, use the Value Tool.
- the 3D-view of QGIS is rather buggy in our experience, for terrains better to use qgis2threejs
Useful software for the course
- QGIS: QGIS has a 3D viewer that could be useful
- GDAL utilities: to process rasters (included with QGIS)
- CloudCompare: to view/edit/process point clouds
- Blender and BlenderGIS: to view DTM and render them beautifully