Homework 04: Plane detection

Planes in the BK building

Deadline is 2019-02-04 13:00.

Late submission? 10% will be removed for each day that you are late.

You’re allowed for this assignment to work in a group of 2 (and thus submit only one report for both of you). If you prefer to work alone it’s also fine (but we don’t recommend it).


In this assignment you will implement a region growing segmentation algorithm for plane detection in a point cloud. In short, you will have to

  1. read the non-ground points from a LAS file, optionally with thinning,
  2. perform region-growing plane segmentation, and
  3. store the result in a PLY file.

In addition to the code you’ll have to write down and submit the answers to a few questions about your results.

What you are given to start


We give you the skeleton of the Python program:

  1. geo1015_hw04.py is the main(). You are not allowed to modify this file!
  2. mycode_hw04.py is where all your code should go. You will need to implement the function detect_planes(). You are of course allowed to add any other functions you want.
  3. params.json: a JSON file with the parameters as described below.
  4. urban.las, urban_subset.las: input point clouds.
  5. example_segmentation.ply: an example output file.
  6. view_segmentation.glsl: a custom shader file for use with the Displaz point cloud viewer as explained below. It allows you to easily visualise the segments of the PLY output.

These are the parameters given in params.json:

You may assume that params.json doesn’t need to be validated, and that the parameters are also valid.

The region growing algorithm

The aim of this assignment is to implement the region growing algorithm (also called surface growing) that was introduced in Lesson 13. In summary, to grow a new region we need to:

Select a seed point s
Label s with a new region id i
Add s to a stack S

while S is not empty:
  Pop a point p from S
  for each q in neighbours(p):
    if q is unsegmented:
      if valid_candidate(q):
        Label q to be part of region i
        Add q to S

This needs to be repeated until no more suitable seed points can be found.

You will have to use the algorithm to do plane detection. This means you need to define a suitable valid_candidate() function that checks if the candidate point q fits with the plane P of the current region, i.e. if the distance from q to P is smaller than the parameter epsilon.

The neighbours() functions is either a knn search or a fixed-radius search depending on the neighbourhood-type parameter.

Also notice that if the number of points in a fully grown region is smaller than minimal-segment-count, it needs to be discarded. This means that all its point need to be set to unsegmented again.

Output specification

You will have to assign each segment a unique identifier. This is an integer with a value of 1 or higher and it should be outputted for each point. In the PLY output this field should be labelled segment_id. The header of the PLY file should thus look like this:

format ascii 1.0
element vertex <total number of points>
property float x
property float y
property float z
property uint segment_id

Points that could not be assigned to a segment should get a value of 0 for the segment_id.

See the file example_segmentation.ply for a complete example.

Visualising your results

We recommend to use the Displaz with the view_segmentation.ply shader viewer together with the view_segmentation.glsl shader that we give you. This shader gives each segment a different color and allows you to show only the points that belong to a particular segment. You can load the shader through the menu Shader > Open.


Notice also that you can pick points with shift+left mousebutton. If you pick a point its attributes (ie. the ones that you provide in the PLY file) are printed in the log panel.

Good to know

What to submit and how to submit it

You have to submit a zip-archive with these 4 files:

  1. The Python file my_code_hw04.py, where your names are clearly identified at the top of the file.
  2. The file params.json fine tuned by you for the best possible result for the urban.lasurban_subset.las dataset (set the thinning factor to 2). The best possible result has the highest quality plane fit for each segment and as few unsegmented points as possible.
  3. An output PLY file segments.ply generated with the parameters from your params.json.
  4. A PDF file (no Word file please) with your answers to the questions below.

Questions for you to answer

  1. Does it matter how you pick your seed points, ie. is there a better way than to randomly pick the seeds?
  2. During region growing you can determine the neighbours of a point using 1) a fixed radius search and 2) its k nearest neighbours. What works best?
  3. How does the thinning factor affect the segmentation result?
  4. Do you get better results if you re-estimate the plane to all the points in the region as it is growing?
  5. Do you think you can improve your results if different/additional criteria are used for the valid_candidate() function?
  6. Why are the parameters that you give in params.json the best?
  7. Did you make any other significant observations that helped you to improve your segmentation result?

Clearly explain each answer and perform experiments and show examples to prove and illustrate your answers. Don’t forget to label and reference your figures/tables.

Do not submit your assignment by email, but upload the requested files zipped to this Dropbox file request page. Make sure that you put the full name of one of the members of the team (only one is sufficient).

You’ll get a confirmation email when everything has been successfully uploaded, keep it in case things go wrong.

[last updated: 2019-01-13]