
ENV 1800: Atmospheric Measurements and Modelling

Graduate course, Faculty of Civil & Environmental Engineering, Delft University of Technology, 2024

Teaching Assistant & Instructor - Prepared about 10% of the lectures and supported all the lab sessions for a class size of 4 students. In addition to the teaching responsibilities, also responsible for grading project work and lab reports.

CEE101B: Mechanics of Fluids 2023

Undergraduate course, Civil & Environmental Engineering, Stanford University, 2022

Teaching Assistant - Prepared and taught supplementary sessions every week for a class size of 15 students. Held weekly office hours and graded the problem sets. Designed midterm and final exams in coordination with the professor.

CEE 262C: Coastal Ocean Modelling 2022

Graduate course, Civil & Environmental Engineering, Stanford University, 2022

Teaching Assistant - Held review sessions, weekly office hours and programming recitations for a class size of 6 students. Mentored with programming exercises and graded the problem sets.

CEE101B: Mechanics of Fluids 2022

Undergraduate course, Civil & Environmental Engineering, Stanford University, 2021

Teaching Assistant - Prepared and taught supplementary sessions every week for a class size of 11 students. Held weekly office hours and graded the problem sets. Designed midterm and final exams in coordination with the professor.