
C. Yan Toe (pursuing PhD)


Title: Turbulence resolved simulations of flow under plastic debris carpets
Primary Role: Support and advice on aspects pertaining to computational fluid dynamics as well as drafting the research plan and scientific writing
Supervisory Team: Prof. W. Uijtewaal (Promoter), Asst. Prof. D. Wüthrich, Asst. Prof. P. Costa, Dr. B. Hardy, and Dr. A. Patil
Final Report: In Progress

B. Manden (pursuing MSc)


Title: Effect of voxelisation using a Reynolds-Averaged Navier-Stokes simulations
Primary Role: Designed and proposed the research project along with weekly supervision and advising
Supervisory Team: Asst. C. García-Sánchez (Chair), Dr. A. Patil, and Ir. J. van der Vaart
Final Report: In Progress

E. Kalitsounakis (pursuing MSc)


Title: Effect of Urban Morphology on wind flow using a Large-Eddy Simulation framework
Primary Role: Designed and proposed the research project along with weekly supervision and advising
Supervisory Team: Asst. C. García-Sánchez (Chair) and Dr. A. Patil
Final Report: In Progress

O. Post (MSc)


Title: The City Stack: A Morphology Based City Analysis and Generation Framework
Primary Role: Designed and proposed the research project along with weekly supervision and advising
Supervisory Team: Prof. H. Ledoux (Chair), Dr. A. Patil, and Asst. Prof. C. Forgaci (external examiner)
Final Report: Click Here
Code Repository: GitHub

G. Brouwer (MSc)


Title: Automated Data-Driven Generation of 3D Coral Reef Models: Assessing and Integrating Empirical Data Sources
Primary Role: Designed and proposed the research project along with weekly supervision and advising
Supervisory Team: Prof. H. Ledoux (Chair), Dr. A. Patil, and Ir. E. Verbree (external examiner)
Final Report: Click Here

E. Forte (MSc)


Title: Experimental and numerical study on the impact of tsunami waves on composite breakwaters
Primary Role: Weekly supervision on all aspects of the thesis
Supervisory Team: Assoc. Prof. A. Antonini (Chair), Asst. Prof. D. Wüthrich, and Dr. A. Patil
Final Report: Click Here

S. Zhang (MSc)


Title: Development of a Large-Eddy Simulation model for flows over urban areas
Primary Role: Advice on using the computational fluid dynamics framework and scientific advice
Supervisory Team: Prof. W. P. Breugem (Chair), Prof. P. Costa, Prof. S. de Roode (external examiner), and Dr. A. Patil
Final Report: Click Here

J. van Gorsel (MSc)


Primary Role: Weekly supervisor with a focus on computational fluid dynamics
Supervisory Team: Assoc. Prof. A. Antonini (Chair), Assoc. Prof. J. Bricker, Asst. Prof. S. Pearson, and Dr. A. Patil
Final Report: Click Here